Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Interesting thing about Earth Day: Notice how we aren't being bombarded by spam and commercials and ads for schlock, like on every holiday from Valentine's Day to Christmas?

Evidently the marketers haven't figured out a way to sell us "sustainability" trash. No GreenMac from McDonald's. No "Earth Day Discount" on that new Hummer. No plastic handbags inscribed "Celebrate Earth Day April 22."

Might not go over too well in the sustainability community. Might clue people in as to how corporations are wrecking the planet. Best just to lay low and let the whole thing blow over.

There is this:

"More than 3,500 retailers and organic manufacturers throughout the country are participating in the Go Organic! for Earth Day campaign to increase awareness and sales of organic products. Go to to locate participating Go Organic! for Earth Day retailers in your area, learn about participating organic manufacturers, play the Environmental Jeopardy game and find out more about the campaign.  Also, if you are a retailer or manufacturer, it is never too early to sign up for the 2007 campaign.  For more information, contact Mary Hanrahan, Go Organic! for Earth Day Campaign Manager, at 612-377-1142 or" (So yeah, if you have to buy something today, at least make it "green"!)

But in general, we have not seen any commercialization of Earth Day yet. Not now, and let's hope, not ever!

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood


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