Monday, July 10, 2006

Day in the Life: An Organic Boom Aborning

The organic boom is happening! Faster and earlier than predicted, and more diversified than expected. No doubt Wal-Mart's intitiative is helping, but something is going on in mainstream America as well. Take a sample just from today's newsfeeds:

In Dallas: "From tomatoes, to chips, the demand for organic foods is huge. Now you can find organic products in the same place you get the rest of your groceries..."

Associated Press: "Demand for organic food outstrips supply." "Organic beer sales grow, Anheuser-Busch enters market."

England: "Sales of organic food rise by 30 percent in a year."

San Jose Mercury: "Demand for organics forces U.S. food makers to buy from overseas."

NewsNet: "More Americans Buy Organic"


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