Friday, March 09, 2007

Nike's Corporate Duplicity

Newscloud by way of Alternet: Nike leading race to the bottom.

This is really the central contradiction with corporations promising to clean up their acts, isn't it?

They do the PR thing and get all the kudos, then it's back to business as usual, all because they have to make ungodly profits.

Substitute "Wal-Mart" or "GM" for Nike and it's pretty much the same story. Wal-Mart promising to reduce carbon emissions is one thing: Doing it with a business model requiring truck and air transport over vast distances world-wide is quite another. As the Nike article notes, there are small victories here and there. But with global warming there's the problem of 20 or 30 percent reduction not really being enough, anyway.

Not to sound defeatist, but there are limits to the lengths that reality can be stretched. At what point does climate disruption become a matter for personal, individual and corporate sacrifice? Who will be the first to say, You know, I'm not going to fly to Madrid or the Seychelles this year?

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