Tuesday, April 18, 2006

4th Annual NW Biodiesel Forum: What a Gas!

We had a blast at the 4th Annual Northwest Biodiesel Forum today at Seattle's Magnuson Park. When it comes to being green, biodiesel ranks right at the top. It emits 78 percent less carbon dioxide and 50 percent less carbon monoxide than petroleum diesel. It also has the highest energy return of any transportation fuel — 3.2 units of energy per unit of fossil energy.

The occasion was also the birthday of Rudolf Diesel, a German inventor born 148 years ago.

After walking around the forum, viewing cars, trucks, furnaces and other equipment running on biodiesel, you have to love the stuff. We have a Prius now but our former 1985 Toyota diesel was purchased by Larry Owens, co-founder of the Shoreline Solar Project, and now does the circuit as a demonstration vehicle. Larry, who was running a renewable energy booth at the forum, had it parked out front and we got to say hi to old Betsy. A sign in its rear window said Larry has put more than 3,000 biodiesel miles on it since he got it. That means it now has around 90,000 ticks on the odometer. If the car holds together it should run another 20 years at this pace. Diesel engines wear awfully well, and the Corolla's engine was diesel-specific, not a converted gas engine (like the VW Rabbit and others).

Biodiesel Toyota Corolla (1985)

It was chilly out, so we enjoyed an exhibit that showed the heat-producting quality of biodiesel. Mind you, no fumes! It made me wonder if there will soon (if not already) be available camp stoves running on the stuff.

Biodiesel to warm the soul — and hands!

A big van was parked out front with its biodiesel innards cut out for examination. Apparently with this rig you can produce your own fuel on the go. A brochure said the truck had been to 16 countries on 2 continents and traveled 16,000 miles. It's affiliated with Oil + Water at www.nrpw.com.

Veggie fuel to go!

Here's what the "kitchen" looked like on the van:

Cook it burn it go go go!

The kids went nuts over a biodiesel electric car parked out front. The incredible thing about this car, although it was only a 2-seater, was its leg and head room. Normally my head brushes the top of a conventional car. I had lots of clearance in this "Smart" car.

How many college students can you fit in a Smart car?

Altogether a great time, thanks for the show! And remember, for your next car, consider biodiesel. A lot of new models are coming on line.

— Paul Andrews, GreenForGood

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