Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Blogging and Media Panel

I'll be moderating a star-studded panel tomorrow at the Public Relations Society of America regional gathering in Bellevue. It's sold out and should be a howlin' time. My esteemed blogger panelists will include Kathy Gill of Wired Pen (Kathy teaches great classes on blogging at the University of Washington), The Seattle Times' Kim Peterson (who contributes to the group blog Tech Tracks), the P-I's Microsoft blogger Todd Bishop (who sent this link as an example of something he probably would not have bothered with for print), Eric Fetters, biotech blogger for the Everett Herald, and sports blogger David Locke for the P-I.

Black and white and green all over...

Here's Kathy, the only blogger I know whose photo includes motorcycle regalia:

Kathy Gill in moto repose


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