Dedication to Green Above and Beyond
We all like to show our dedication to green values, but here's a method that takes it a step further, from JustCassa's blog. I thought at first this was a tattoo, but it may just be a body painting. Probably just as well. I was told tattoo removal is the 2nd largest growth industry in the U.S. I haven't been able to confirm that, but there's no question it's booming. It would seem the Tree of Life has less temporal liability than, say, your boyfriend's name in a rose. I heard of another unique way to be green: On Earth Day, I was told a young woman had her pubic hair trimmed to resemble the Tree of Life, as some sort of present to her boyfriend. I haven't been able to confirm that one, either, and probably never will. It will probably stay private, altho the way blogs go these days you never know!
-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood
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