Thursday, May 18, 2006

Robert Redford and "Kick the Oil Habit" Campaign

From Larry King Live, an interview with Robert Redford on the new Kick the Oil Habit campaign.

A key point Redford makes, besides the fact George W. Bush has offered no energy leadership, echoes a theme starting to build even in mainstream political channels: Alternative fuels are patriotic! Check it out:

"So, the solutions are here and they're here right now and I think you'll find one in this new energy bill that's being put forward right now called E-85, and that's ethanol. And ethanol is -- I'm for it because simply it's out of corn and there are other agricultural products that could be used to do the same thing.

It's cheaper. It's cleaner. It's renewable. And you know what it's American because we grow it. We make it. We're not depending on other countries who are unstable to have to beg and borrow for it."

This could help Democrats and progressives politically in upcoming elections. Watch for the meme in campaign addresses.

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood


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