Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Reducing Your Ecological Carbon Footprint

Wind power can reduce your footprint!

Another way to jog your subconscious into changing to green is to think about your carbon footprint. This is the amount of carbon you contribute to the atmosphere, which accelerates global warming. Not only can you do some things to reduce your carbon production, you can do other things to off-set your carbon footprint (such as planting a tree).

I like the concept of a footprint because it's so visual. The typical American's footprint is twice as big as the rest of the world average. So say you're a size 8. The American footprint would be like Shaquille O'Neal stepping on your shoe!

To help you figure out your footprint, check out CarbonFootprint.com here. They've put together a guide that not only informs you about your own footprint, it gives tips on how to reduce your Size 16 to a Size 10. (Note it's a British site; you will need to have a calculator and utility bills handy for conversion to dollars. Give yourself some time to do a complete calc.)

— Paul Andrews, GreenforGood


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