Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Back Blogging - with a new name

You know what they say - the only constant in life is change. And we're continuing to experience a lot of change here at GreenforGood.com.

After testing our beta site for nearly 6 months we pulled it down and went back to the drawing board to incorporate changes/suggestions made from users as well as friends and family.

The new and improved site will be live very soon and we are quite excited to pull back the curtain.

Among the other changes made we've also changed the name of our blog - and are starting to fire it up again. I took a sabbatical from writing for a few months while I focused on the new design and strategy for GreenforGood.com as well as planning, building and launching of GreenMediaList.com - a media directory and resource for public and medial relations professionals and companies who are trying to get their Green message out.

And touching on my background and experience as the co-founder and CEO of a successful high tech PR agency, I've also teamed with some high quality professionals to offer public relations and communications programs for companies committed to sustainable business practices and/or Green & eco-friendly products through my new firm, GreenBuzzPR.

And there is more fun to come!

There are a few new features that we'll be including on the Green Dirt Blog (as well as sites within the new GreenforGood.com network). Two of them are related: Green Heroes and the Green Penalty Box.

Green Heroes will focus on people, organizations and companies who step up and go above and beyond the call of duty to help protect or improve the environment.

The Green Penalty Box will be used for people, organizations and companies who do very bad things to the environment and need to be called out for it. These will go beyond the simple lousy service or minor accident and will focus on major spills, fines from the EPA and all around bad environmental behavior (BEB for those who need another acronym).

The other feature will be a Green Article of the day. This will be a wild card - it could be from the mainstream media it could be from the green media or it could be from a press release. It just will depend on the day, topic and my mood.

It's fun to be writing again and I'm looking forward to be doing lots more of it as we get ready to launch all of our exciting Green projects here in Edmonds, Washington.

David R. Kaufer
Founder and Chief Green Officer


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