Monday, June 26, 2006

Slow Is Beautiful: The Sloth Club Revisited

From Treehugger, "Slow Is Beautiful": "It seems that a few years ago Australian activist Anja Light was in Equador and rescued a sloth from a cage in a kitchen and was moved to tears. He set up an organization to emulate the sloth- an animal that moves slowly, consumes few resources and is vegetarian. It is "an eco-movement towards new lifestyle."

Here at the Andrews residence, we wholeheartedly concur that Slow Is Beautiful. It's actually the title of my wife Cecile Andrews' forthcoming book from New Society Publishers.

Going slow is a great way to Turn Green. You give yourself time to think about the planet's future and your impact on it. And you don't have to be a sloth to adopt a slow lifestyle -- our dog Maggie is a perfect example!

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood


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