Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bush's Public Land Selloff Thwarted...for now

From New West: "President Bush's 2007 budget called for large sales of U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management acreage to fund a rural schools and counties program and to help service the ballooning national debt. But the Senate committee passed a bill that left out the two provisions, following a similar move by the House, which all but seals the plans' fates..."

Public land being given over to commercialization or outright private development will continue to be a theme of the Bush administration, however. In an ironic extension of what was done to the American Indians at our country's founding, public land is still being stolen from citizens -- only this time around it's corporations, fronted by the wealthy and privileged, who are doing the thievery from the rest of us.

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood


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