Monday, May 01, 2006

Fighting for Internet Freedom

Full disclosure up front - this post isn't green-specific, per se. But it is as important and relevant to the green community as it is to the rest of Internet-using Americans (whose numbers continue to climb).

There currently is debate in Washington over a proposal by large telecos (including my former employer, Comcast) to carve off bandwidth on the big Internet pipes for their own services—namely, television—and, more controversially, to charge selected companies a toll for "priority" service.

There is an excellent artile in Slate, explaining Why you should care about network neutrality.

But the bottom line is that the greater good would not be served by this development...only a few select corporations would benefit. Can you imagine the impact on small businesses (such as if we had to "compete" with large corporations to have traffic delivered to/from our site?

We need to get the FCC (and other supposed Government "watchdogs" to remember that they are supposed to serve the citizens of this country - not just large companies. Maintaining network neutrality would be a good start.

If you want to speak up and protect the ongoing freedom of the Internet, has an online petition you should sign TODAY - and if you are so inclined, you can also call Congress and voice your displeasure.

David Kaufer
President and CEO

Save the Net Now