Can't Get Enough of that Wal-Mart Organic Story!
Contuining our theme of what to do about Wal-Mart, New West checks in with a story from Headwaters News based on a Boulder Daily Camera report (sheesh, the genealogy of New Media!) that Lafayette CO is considering a pedestrian gathering place for a vacated Wal-Mart (it's building a bigger, worser megmall nearby). Hopefully Wal-Mart is helping to fund the thing, since it trashed the location in the first place to build one of its mini-superstores (only 100k sq. ft., too small by today's standards).
Wow, can you imagine what we'll be able to do with a Wal-Mart mega-super-mondo-blotto site in 5 or 10 years when the post-carbon era starts to settle in? How about THAT for a skateboard/BMX park, all you groms out there?
Meanwhile, Tom Philpott points out on Gristmill that CSA (community supported agriculture) is undoubtedly the best antidote to Wal-Mart's mega monstrosities:
"What I love about the program is that it provides a nexus for small farmers and consumers to unite in an age of tightly consolidated wholesalers and retailers. I can guarantee you that the milk, meat, and eggs proffered by Grow Alabama will be infinitely more healthful, delicious, and environmentally friendly than the factory-produced 'organic' stuff that Wal-Mart is pushing."
-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood
global warming ecological footprint carbon footprint GreenforGood sustainability green lifestyle