Going Green in Hollywood
The Oscars were a great show, better by far than most in recent years, but the big surprise wasn't who won but how much the general overtone was "Go Green"! There was the tipsheet scrolling as the "Inconvenient Truth" theme song played. There was Big Al Gore getting not one, but two Oscar calls. There was even a shot of Ed Begley Jr. (GreenforGood.com board member) and his wife in the audience. Ed has been driving electric cars since the 1970s, powers his Studio City home with solar panels and stars with his wife in "Living With Ed" on the Home & Garden cable channel (well worth checking out if you've missed it).
This is all great for the Green Movement and will do wonders for the "global click" on climate change. But as Al himself put it, there's a difference between cheerleading and change, and it lies in the chasm of "will power." Hollywood stars are famous for driving Priuses while flying private jets around the world. They recycle but live in 10,000-sq-foot mansions (except for Ed Begley of course). So the issue is, can Hollywood provide a model for "will power" as well as it has for cheerleading?
Let's keep an eye out for indicators. I wonder if Leonardo Dicaprio will help out in this, he's the youth hero in all this.
-- Paul Andrews for GreenforGood.com
global warming ecological footprint carbon footprint GreenforGood sustainability green lifestyle
Labels: Al Gore, carbon footprint, climate change, Ed Begley Jr., global warming, green lifestyle, green living, greenforgood.com, Oscars, sustainability