Saturday, May 13, 2006

Five Things You Can Do To For Mothers Earth Day

So it's Mothers Day and you want to do something Green for her, a sort of Mothers Earth Day. First off, YouTube has a funny video on the preparation issue (not green, but it will help get you in the mood).

5. Take her to an organic and/or vegan restaurant. If you take Mom out for brunch or dinner, try to find a sustainable-minded restaurant. They're popping up all over; on a recent West Coast tour we found alternative restaurants from L.A. to Seattle. Many are so new they haven't shown up on the review lists yet, but with some modest sleuthing you should be able to track them down. (GreenforGood will be compiling a listing as well for future reference.)

4. Find places to walk to rather than drive. If you can treat Mom to something you can get to by foot, Mother Earth will thank you as well.

3. Send her an e-card. Google has lots of options (search under Mothers Day E-Card), and when you send the card, note its lighter impact on earth's resources than its print corollary.

2. Give her a "green testimonial" with your Mothers Day message. Tell her about your transformation and ask for her help in making both of your lives more healthy, sustainable and green. Moms care about their kids (and grandkids!) most of all, and this is the perfect occasion to address the planet's need for change.

1. Give her live flowers, not cut ones. Not only are you saving on unusustainable shipping expenditures (many cut flowers come from South America), you're giving a gift that will keep reminding her of you, the planet and a hopeful future!

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood