Happy Bike to Work Day!
May is Bike to Work month, this week is Bike to Work week, and today is Bike to Work Day!
Right now is Bike to Work Hour, and at noon we will mark Bike to Work Minute.
Bike to Work: The more you say it, the more you want to do it. Today I have an appointment downtown that I'll bike to. I ride just about everywhere in Seattle, which is a great bicycling town. I put it even ahead of San Francisco, where I lived for awhile, and other metros I've biked in, for the simple reason that Seattle's network is more bike-specific (Burke-Gilman Trail, for instance, gets you just about anywhere you need to go in north city). That and the fact S.F. has really ugly killer hills (Seattle has a few, too, but you can kind of wind around them rather than having to go straight up and down).
Anyway, the reason Bike to Work is so significant is that it's one step within just about everyone's ability to reduce your carbon footprint. We've talked about this more than once, but it bears repeating. Just start off small, one day a week, or even once every two weeks, biking to work. Eventually it will grow on ya!
-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood
global warming ecological footprint carbon footprint GreenforGood sustainability green lifestyle