Global warming trumps AIDS, Avian flu, poverty, pestilence, let's see, what else?
The Independent: "Climate change could have a devastating impact on Africa, wiping out all the benefits from the measures to help the continent agreed by the world's richest nations last year. The warning will be issued by the British Government today when it announces plans to bring poor countries into the next round of international discussions to combat global warming."
This touches on a theme in Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," where he debunks the notion that we cannot address global warming because it would hurt the economy.
Gore shows a counterbalance scale with a bunch of gold ingots in one pail and the planet in the other. Now let's see, he says. If we don't have a planet...
You be the judge!
This is also the one caveat I've long held over the professed goals of Bill and Melinda Gates through their Foundation's efforts to cure AIDS. They're pretty smart people, but I've never seen either of them say anything about global warming. There was an innocuous reference around the time Warren Buffett threw in his lot with the Gateses, where Bill said he had to study the issue or something. Um Bill, could you maybe drop by your local theater (it's playing at the Guild 45th and selected other outlets here) and get the Quick Study version?
Because if we cure AIDS but don't have a planet...well, you decide!
-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood
global warming ecological footprint carbon footprint GreenforGood sustainability green lifestyle