Saturday, July 01, 2006

Interview with James Howard Kunstler (The Long Emergency)

Worldchanging has a pointed interview with James Howard Kunstler, starting with: "As I’m fond of saying, if we could harness the energy produced from guys like that blowing smoke up the public’s rear end, then we could probably run the interstate highway system, Wal-mart, and Walt Disney World." It just gets better from there!

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood

Bush's Public Land Selloff Thwarted...for now

From New West: "President Bush's 2007 budget called for large sales of U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management acreage to fund a rural schools and counties program and to help service the ballooning national debt. But the Senate committee passed a bill that left out the two provisions, following a similar move by the House, which all but seals the plans' fates..."

Public land being given over to commercialization or outright private development will continue to be a theme of the Bush administration, however. In an ironic extension of what was done to the American Indians at our country's founding, public land is still being stolen from citizens -- only this time around it's corporations, fronted by the wealthy and privileged, who are doing the thievery from the rest of us.

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood