Thursday, June 22, 2006

Mein Fuhrer! I can valk!

Those were the memorable words of the wheelchair-bound Dr. Strangelove (Peter Sellers) at the end of the movie, where he becomes obviously aroused while discussing a future underground post-nuclear society where only the most "highly stimulating" women would be welcome. Suddenly he rises from his wheelchair and discovers that his miraculous insight has rendered him, er, standing.

Now wheelchair-bound Stephen Hawking is headed down the same road, predicting space colonization as the only hope for humanity to "escape" global warming. No word on which women he'd take along, but if Hawking does rise up and walk, maybe we should start paying attention. Til then I think we'd better go with what we got.

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood

Silicon Valley to Host Biggest Solar Cell Plant

From the San Francisco Chronicle by way of HUGG: "A Palo Alto company will announce today that it will spend about $100 million to build the world's largest solar cell factory and that it will locate its new plant in the Bay Area."

Now all we have to do is make sure the sun keeps shining. Up here in Seattle, they say global warming will simply increase the amount of gray overcast. Sigh.

-- Paul Andrews, GreenforGood